We answer your questions!
Dear Customer,
To ensure your shopping experience is smooth and enjoyable, we’ve gathered answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. Here, you’ll find essential details about the ordering process, delivery, payment options, returns, and your right to withdraw.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. You can use the contact form, email us directly at service@blue-heeler.shoes, or call us at +49 (0) 4208 828 5280.
1. How Do I Place an Order in the Blue Heeler Online Store?
Shopping Cart: Enjoy the flexibility of our shopping cart. Select the products you wish to order by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. You can modify your selection anytime before placing your order by adjusting the quantity, removing items, or canceling the process. Click “Checkout” to proceed to the next step.
Proceed to Checkout: Log in with your Email and password if you already have an account. Otherwise, register as a new customer. Rest assured, your data will be handled with the utmost care and in compliance with data protection regulations. After logging in, choose your shipping method and click “Continue.”
Review Invoice Address/Choose Payment Method: Confirm your invoice address and select your preferred payment method. Click “Next” to proceed.
Review Shipping Address: Verify your shipping address and select your shipping method. Click “Continue” to move forward.
Complete Order/Review Terms and Conditions: Take a moment to review your order details, including selected products, billing and shipping addresses, and contact information. This step ensures everything is in order before you proceed.
Please ensure that everything is correct, read the General Terms and Conditions and the Cancellation Policy, and check the box to indicate that you agree to them.
Click “Send order” to finalize your purchase and submit a legally binding offer. By doing so, you agree to the terms and conditions of the purchase.
2. What is the estimated delivery time for my order?
Once we receive payment confirmation, your order will be processed for dispatch. Payments made before 12:00 will result in same-day shipping, with an expected delivery time of 2-5 business days.
3. Can my order be delivered to a Packing Station?
Yes, since we partner with DHL for shipping, you can have your order delivered to a packstation. Simply register with your preferred post office to receive a Packstation number. Then, provide the Packstation and your number as the delivery address.
4. Do you offer expedited shipping services?
We currently do not have an express shipping option.
5. What are the shipping costs?
Shipping and returns come at no charge. Enjoy complimentary shipping and returns.
6. Questions Regarding Account Purchases (Using PayPal Plus)
What are the restrictions for account-based purchases?
Yes, purchasing on account is not available for invoice amounts exceeding 1,500 euros.
Will I need a PayPal account?
“No, when making a purchase on account, you simply transfer the payment to PayPal’s bank account. A PayPal account is not necessary.”
By when is the payment expected?
Typically, payment is due 14 days after the order date. PayPal will send you an email with the exact due date
Am I going to need to undergo a credit check?
PayPal conducts a risk assessment, which might include obtaining credit information from different credit agencies. For more details, refer to PayPal’s information.
Can I use another payment option if PayPal rejects the transaction?
Yes, you can choose from one of the other payment methods in this situation.
What are the expenses for using the purchase using the account payment method?
Dunning costs will only be charged if you, as the buyer, default on payment. PayPal provides more information.
Is it necessary for the invoice address and delivery address to match?
A different delivery address within Germany is allowed.
Who is the contractual partner for me as the purchaser?
The contractual relationship between the buyer and seller remains intact, but the seller’s claim against the buyer has been assigned to PayPal.
What actions are required if I inadvertently transferred the invoice amount to the seller’s account instead of my PayPal account?
If you have sent the invoice amount to our bank account by mistake, please reach out to us:
Blue Heeler Europe
Tel. +4904208-8285280
Please arrange a new transfer to the PayPal account using the account information provided in the PayPal emails regarding your order. Also, contact PayPal customer service at 0800-7234730 to stop any dunning procedures that may have been started.
Who is responsible for the costs if I return the goods after the withdrawal period?
If the revocation is not valid, you will incur the reminder costs. Please clarify with us beforehand if a late return will be recognized.
7. Where can I find the current status of my order?
You can monitor the progress of your delivery on the DHL website: https://www.dhl.de/de/privatkunden.html.
8. What steps are involved in returning items?
You can return or exchange any items, including those on sale, within 14 days of delivery in Germany. If you wish to exchange for a different size or color, please indicate this on the provided ‘return slip.’ We will send you a new pair at no additional postage cost.
Visit the page ‘Blue Heeler: Returns Made Easy!‘ for detailed information and instructions.
9. How do I go about revoking a purchase?
Please refer to the ‘Right of Withdrawal‘ page for comprehensive details on this topic.
10. What are the Accepted Payment Methods?
At present, you can make your payment via:
- PayPal
- Payment in advance
11. Is your question still unanswered?
Feel free to email us or give us a call. We’re here to help! Phone: :+49 04208-8285280 | Email: service@blue-heeler.shoes